Ongoing Reporting Requirements for the JobKeeper Payment

There are requirements which must be met to keep receiving the JobKeeper payment. These requirements are known as your business declaration. The following is a comprehensive guide to the reporting requirements which you will need to complete each month in order to keep receiving the JobKeeper payment.

Business Declaration

The business declaration is a set of reporting requirements which have been compiled by the ATO, not as a means to retest businesses eligibility each month, but to measure their own effectiveness and the ongoing need to the JobKeeper payment to keep on existing.

It’s basically the ATO’s way of collecting quantitative information to keep the money flowing. But the long and the short of it is, if you don’t report, you don’t get paid.

Before lodging your business’ declaration, make sure that you have already:

  • Calculated GST income for the month
  • Calculated the projected GST income for the next month
  • Drafted a reconfirmation of the business participant details
  • Drafted a reconfirmation of all eligible employees details
  • Added any new employees using the identify any eligible employees section
  • Amend your STP pay event report and lodge ( allowing 3 days for processing)
  • Lodged an updated JobKeeper report with the business portal file transfer system ( allowing 3 days for processing )
  • Have any eligible employee updates ready to be input into the business portal

This declaration must be made no later than the 14th day of each month.

Other ongoing reporting requirements include:

  • Updating your eligible employee information using the business portal if you hire or terminate any employees
  • Reporting any top-up payments for employees to have been paid the $1500 before tax each fortnight
  • If any employees became either eligible during any relevant fortnights OR became ineligible through other means

You can find a step-by-step guide to submitting your business declarations here:

These declarations must be completed each month to be able to receive the JobKeeper payment. If you have any further concerns, please contact us.


This article was created using the information available at the following websites:—employers-reporting-through-STP/?anchor=Step3#Step3—employers-reporting-through-STP/

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